How To Setup A Plugin

This article will explain how to get a plugin installed.

The first step is to upload the plugin folder to folder /plugins if it was not done yet. Make sure that there is a install.php file in its folder.

The second step is to start setup in Admincenter -> Administration -> Plugins. Chose add new plugin. You will see a list of all subfolders in folder /plugins on your server. This one you like to install click Install. A new form will be displayed. Click Install to finish install process.

Third step is to add a placeholder in your main template if the installed plugin is not a content plugin. The name of the plugins placeholder is the name of the plugin combined with plugin_ in curly brackets. For example we like to include the bottom menu plugin. Add to your main template. The name of this plugin is bottom_menu.

The spaces between the brackets and the name are for presentation only! Please use no spaces for placeholders.