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Change Log

bloofoxCMS 0.5.0
Release: February 27 2013

Change Log
- Completely redesigned backend "Admincenter"
- code revised
- new language system
- plugins renamed and revised
- new login account handling for frontend users
- captcha moved to plugins
- reimplemented error message and success message handling
- additional page title

bloofoxCMS 0.4.1
Release: April 4 2012 / June 13 2012

Change Log
- ereg_replace and eregi function replaced
- confirm message in Admincenter / Settings after savings
- database version in admincenter home, shows e.g. if update is needed
- logo added to admincenter login
- mysql 3.x is not supported any more
- new setting PHPMyAdmin URL in General Settings
- new setting Maintenance Mode in General Settings
- optimized admincenter layout
bloofoxCMS 0.4.0
Release: February 25 2012

Change Log
- swedish language support
- new option "wysiwyg textbox height" in settings
- new template layout in settings
- preview button in article list of one page
- some optimized code
- security bugfixes
- little optimizations in admincenter
- starting date and ending date for articles
- new option "manual confirm new users" in settings (old option "user activation" in projects removed)
- optimized login form

bloofoxCMS 0.3.5

Release: August 03 2009

Change Log
- database version added
- files image.php and file.php deleted
- notice in Admincenter added if user is in demo mode
- login with email added
- captcha image size optimized, central definition of width and height
- plugin bottom_menu could be modified in demo mode -> fixed
- plugin guestbook: layout optimized
- plugin contact: layout optimized
- captcha letter and number assignment optimized
- Admincenter / Administration / General renamed in Settings and card form view added
- Admincenter / Administration / Projects: option in tab Security "Mark new users as deleted"
renamed to "User Activation by Admin"
- demo users will not longer be blocked if logins exceed 3 false logins
- Ukrainian language added
- optmized HTML header: not filled meta information will not be shown
- setup: table prefix is shown
- bugfix: contact plugin, confirmation page was not displayed
- names of template placeholders changed
- Admincenter statistics image renamed to stats.gif
- Captcha image moved from /media/files to /system
- bugfix: spaw2, file theme.class.php replaced
- new plugin: contact_extended

bloofoxCMS 0.3.4
Release: December 20 2008

Change Log

- email notification text for admin changed
- link of frontend added to Admincenter login page
- all template file names are now saved in the database and can be named free
- plugin manager optimized, version of each plugin added
- charsets can have a description in Admincenter
- title of project moved to tooltip in project list
- DocTypes defined as an array to be extendable
- page list optimized
- preview button in article list added
- mediacenter renamed to media and list optimized
- language list optimized
- user group list optimized
- upload tool revised
- periodic activities renamed to activities and list optimized
- statistics extended with charsets and user groups
- admincenter login page revised
- file versioncheck.php deleted, function moved to existing class
- new folder structure in admincenter for classes
- update functionality revised
- new option "delete image" added in user profile
- user list optimized
- image/button legend readded to admincenter home
- page sorting field added to page edit form
- new field "description" for pages, used as META description
- general settings table rebuild
- profile images moved to subfolder media/images/profiles

bloofoxCMS 0.3.3
Release: November 08 2008

Change Log
- new plugin change_password
- new general settings in Admincenter/Administration
- revised and rebuild Admincenter navigation panel
- revised content management with article list and page list
- new user profile setting "Show email"
- email message of plugin contact form extended with server URL
- javascript for login form moved to W3C conform place in HTML header
- revised function validate_text for Admincenter inputs
- write permissions are now checked when file is opened in editor textbox (language, template)
- new plugin read_dir
- Admincenter home page changed and extended with current IP and IP Log information
- plugin interface optimized, now we use only one file to handle plugins (plugins_tmpl.php deleted)
- Mediacenter file upload checks write permissions in folders before trying an upload
- new language added: Italian
- Mediacenter is not longer based on a database table, but db table still exists (maybe it will be used for additional info in future)
- new field for users to assign an individual login page (page must be blocked and assigned to a group)
- a few bugs were fixed

bloofoxCMS 0.3.2
Release: June 28th 2008

Change Log
Bugs fixed:
- search
Without mod_rewrite the page url includes a wrong parameter
- register
Without mod_rewrite the heading to step2 failes

- there is an own css class for print view
- login menu was changed
- guestbook css was not w3c compliant integrated in template
- the search will not longer search in contents which are for specific groups only
- the search will not longer search in blocked contents
- image titles can be added in gallery plugin instead of file name
- revised notification mail for admin with each register
- two mysql table columns were renamed
- new legend in Admincenter
- revised CAPTCHA functionality using gdf font, image captcha.jpg is not longer used
- preview of own user profile in Admincenter

bloofoxCMS 0.3.1
Release: March 10th 2008

bloofoxCMS 0.3
Release: October 15th 2007


- completely revised
- new styles
- content explorer concept changed
 -- undefined number of content levels
 -- optimized move functions, sublevels will be moved
- new session table in security to supervise logins and logouts
 -- more than five failed logins block the account
 -- email with reactivation link will be sent
- better handling with templates and languages
- new tools for periodic activities and other things
- tab control for inserts and modifies in personal profile, websites and content explorer
- .htaccess file for Admincenter
- new language translation concept
- upload function for images, files, languages and templates


- new menu concept (stylesheets and list elements)
- print view runs now with index.php - print.php is no longer needed
- new content structure (changes in some plugins like sitemap, menu, search)
- xml specification in templates inserted
- revised .htaccess file
- revised basic templates (free of tables and different to each other)
- new template gallery
- new plugin gallery
- new plugin menu2

Release: July 11th 2007

- Bugfix .htaccess files

bloofoxCMS 0.2.3
Release: June 20th 2007

What's new in version 0.2.3?


- preview link of contents
- contents save creation date and created by user and change date and changed by user for each text content entry
- each content entry can be set to hidden
- changing user group names will change the group names in websites, contents and users automatically
- used user groups can't be deleted
- there are two new types to mark content explorer entries: blog-style and news. these are two more options to chose
- spaw editor version 2 is included (version 1.x is still supported but not in package included)
- media center was moved to contents section
- section settings was renamed to administration
- section user mgt. was renamed to security
- new variable structure in php code
- login screen captions aligned left (in MS IE)
- integration of version checker: checks for latest version of bloofoxCMS and compares it with installed version


- two new little plugins:
- register
- login
- contact plugin revised: mails will be send now as html, a click on answer in mail account fills the original senders address to the recipients list
- captcha revised
- there are two more text content templates "blog-style" and "news". they can be used to create different content styles like as a news page or blog page or just different page styles
- page navigation for text contents, there will be 10 entries per page in default (set up in index.php/print.php). in this case the .htaccess file was changed
- new variable structure in php code
- additional message if user rights are missing to view protected contents

bloofoxCMS 0.2.2
Release: 03/15/2007

What's new in version 0.2.2?

- Spaw editor (WYSIWYG) is now running as a plugin and can be installed over Admincenter in settings -> plugins
- you can install own plugins
- the default plugins were revised
- new language token in settings -> languages to identify the language for wysiwyg and to mark the website by meta information content-language
- the filter functionality was optimized (you will see if a filter is set, also the filter is used for fields like "shortcut" or "insert after" when creating a new content entry)
- menu and submenu are now running as a plugin, so the files are moved to folder /plugins
- all open contents (to one entry id) will be saved while editing one of the standard text contents; furthermore you can decide if you like to save and go back to the summary or only save the contents and stay
- the charset of your website can be managed in Admincenter in settings -> charset
- you can install a demo website when installing bloofoxCMS
- the backend templates were completely revised. the result is a new default template for Admincenter; all backend templates are now also independent from each other
- images and files can be integrated by files image.php?img=imagename.ext and file.php?file=filename.ext
- some bugs were removed
- many little optimizations were done

bloofoxCMS 0.2.1
Release: 01/14/2007

What's new in version 0.2.1?

The most new features are made in Admincenter. Some little helpful tools were implemented such as filter in content summary, filter in mediacenter and filter in users summary. Also there is a file editor to modify template files, css and language files online without ftp upload.

The new feature for the frontend was already shown in Beta version. It supports to publish few different default text contents on each site.

bloofoxCMS 0.2
Release: 12/09/2006

What's new in version 0.2?

The new version is based on a complete new system. It was developed from zero on with a new concept. Now it provides a simple and easy to use management of contents.

Important news:
- works now fine with register_globals = off
- includes a WYSIWYG editor
- implementation of an advanced user management

[ Older versions ]

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